UP software will not connect to Mini

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Posts: 2
加入:Sun Feb 03, 2019 3:29 am
UP software will not connect to Mini

Postbygwirtel»Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:11 pm

WiFi does not work AT ALL. It sees my network but will not connect. I went throught the process of running a network cable to it, and UP software sees it when trying to connect a printer, but I get a " ERROR: Printer not responding" notice.

任何thoughts would be helpful. So far, this machine is not impressive at all.

Posts: 1
加入:Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:17 pm

Re: UP software will not connect to Mini

PostbyMuzzer»Mon Feb 18, 2019 4:35 pm

I've got the same issue with my Cetus 3D MkII. It initially worked OK for a few weeks but now will only connect using USB.

The Studio software doesn't seem to contain any way to select the wifi network and password. It just says it can't detect any printers. This is monumentally useless. I see there have been a few questions about this on the forum over the last 2 years or so and so far there is no answer from the company. Do you think it is OK just to ignore the problem?

I'm no networking expert (and it seems Tiertime don't have one either) but it almost sounds as if it needs some help to connect to the network - yet there is no obvious place you can do that. Works OK from my iPhone but not the PC - perhaps there is a clue in there?

At this rate you might as well say it doesn't have a wifi capability. One solution may be to replace the CPU board with a Tinyfab Wifi board - but it's annoying to pay good money for a Cetus and then have to spend time and money getting it to work.

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