Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

Official Announcement from UP team
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Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyTiertime-Jason»Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:19 pm

Dear UPper,

In order to quantify customer feedbacks into statistics, we have prepared a questionnaire and hope all community members who have tried the UP Studio to help us fill out. This survey is very simple and only need a few minutes to finish.

To show our gratitude to your continuous support, we will make a lottery among the survey participants. The prizes are 50 cash coupons each worth 100 USD, that can be used to buy anything on the UP3d.com.

1.In the survey, participant need to provide a valid UP machine serial number and registered email of UP3d.com.
2.Each participant can only win one coupon.
3.Participants cannot roll back to previous questions and cannot redo the survey. So please review your answer before click the “next” button.
4. Please try out the UP Studio first before take the survey:
http://up3d-dev.github.io/downloads/des ... .0.0.9.exe
5. The survey will be ended on 1st of March, and winners will be annouced afterwards.

Click here to participate the survey:
https://qtrial2016q1az1.qualtrics.com/S ... dm3zNPHq4d

Posts: 194
加入:Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:00 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyUP_3DWP»Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:57 pm

Lately I have been using Simplify3D for testing purposes: that could be a great solution to a lot of request people are asking for.

If TierTime would allow the use of Simplify3D and maybe provide a profile or work together with them, Up users could choose to just use the Up Studio presets and options that work great most of the time - or import a sliced file by Simplify3D. It has lots of options people are looking for.

Posts: 286
加入:Mon May 05, 2014 4:31 am

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyTiertime-Jason»Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:23 am

The Survey was ended.
The winning chance is quite high actually, as response are less than we expected.
This means the winning chance pretty high, most of the survey takers will recevie the coupons.

Posts: 74
加入:Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:50 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyMatchpoint»Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:46 pm

ooo coupons?? You've got me interested. Jason will the new beta software be released soon. If it is as expected, promoting up printers should be a breeze:-D

Posts: 194
加入:Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:00 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyUP_3DWP»Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:03 am

I am sorry to hear the response is low. People have been asking a lot for changes in the software lately, I do hope those people at least filled in this survey.

I want to thank TierTime for the effort in putting it Up! and am eager to see the new software:lol:

Posts: 194
加入:Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:00 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyUP_3DWP»Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:53 pm

Well, did people get a coupon?:)

Hope to see the software soon. Once again, I hope there can be Simplify3D support or maybe some type of gcode loading - I really like the options in Simplify3D. It really enhances 3D printers and options.

Posts: 286
加入:Mon May 05, 2014 4:31 am

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyTiertime-Jason»Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:04 am

Coupons will be sent to provided email account later this week, so keep an eye on your mailbox.

Posts: 242
加入:Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:35 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

Postbytegregg»Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:28 am

Just a quick question on the coupon if we get one. Given the store doesn't ship to Australia are we able to use them even if we get one?

Posts: 45
Location:Moscow, Russia

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyLiova»Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:59 pm

So I got email that I won, but can I use this coupon to purchase spare parts for Up Box?
I am interested in UP Flex Print Board and maybe HEPA filter.

Right now only printers and filaments are available.

Posts: 74
加入:Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:50 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyMatchpoint»Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:28 pm

Liova wrote:So I got email that I won, but can I use this coupon to purchase spare parts for Up Box?
I am interested in UP Flex Print Board and maybe HEPA filter.

Right now only printers and filaments are available.
I think everyone who took the survey got a coupon which is awesome!~
What country are you located in?

I am looking forward to the software more:-D

Posts: 45
Location:Moscow, Russia

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyLiova»Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:36 pm

Matchpoint wrote:I think everyone who took the survey got a coupon which is awesome!~
What country are you located in?

I am looking forward to the software more:-D
I am in Russia, the question is just what I can order with this coupon, as I don't need another printer and shipping of filament is cost prohibitive.
Old site pp3dp.com had spare parts (not for BOX, though).

Posts: 74
加入:Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:50 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyMatchpoint»Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:44 pm

Liova wrote:
Matchpoint wrote:I think everyone who took the survey got a coupon which is awesome!~
What country are you located in?

I am looking forward to the software more:-D
I am in Russia, the question is just what I can order with this coupon, as I don't need another printer and shipping of filament is cost prohibitive.
Old site pp3dp.com had spare parts (not for BOX, though).
This is what you should do Liova,

1.)First visit the USA store athttp://www.up3dusacart.com/ttc01/
2.)Pick out the according items you would like to order. There are filaments (ABS, PLA, ABS+), spare parts, accessories, printers, etc.
3.)Write down the model number, description, and cost.
4.)Then per the email sent, "if your shipping address is not included in the service region of up3d.com, please send an email topaypal@tiertime.net, showing your discount code and the list of products that you like to purchase in the discounted order. We will send you a paypal invoice through the email.

That should do the trick:mrgreen:

Posts: 242
加入:Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:35 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

Postbytegregg»Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:28 am

Matchpoint wrote:
Liova wrote:So I got email that I won, but can I use this coupon to purchase spare parts for Up Box?
I am interested in UP Flex Print Board and maybe HEPA filter.

Right now only printers and filaments are available.
I think everyone who took the survey got a coupon which is awesome!~
What country are you located in?

I am looking forward to the software more:-D
No not everyone. Think I must be the only one to miss out. lol. Never was one to win anything, even if 100 out of 101 got something, Im the one that misses. Oh well, next time maybe.

Posts: 74
加入:Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:50 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyMatchpoint»Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:57 pm

well that makes me feel special then. Though I am looking more forward to the new software and hardware updates over anything else. Thank you Tiertime!

Posts: 286
加入:Mon May 05, 2014 4:31 am

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyTiertime-Jason»Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:31 am

We have problem sending emails to some prize winners, the mails bounced.
We are still trying.......;)

Posts: 242
加入:Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:35 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

Postbytegregg»Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:28 am

Got mine today, thanks tiertime. Agree Matchpoint, will be great to get updated software if some of the suggested additions are implemented.

Probably not the right spot for it, but have recently had a problem with my printer that ended up needing a new CPU and the support guys servicing Australia did a fantastic job. Was very impressed with the service. Just putting it out there as credit when its due!

Posts: 242
加入:Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:35 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

Postbytegregg»Wed Mar 16, 2016 10:50 am

How do we get a view of what postage would be charged and can some of the $100 be used to offset the postage? eg if I were to order say a 1000g roll of ABS+ at $60, and want it posted to Australia, what would the postage be? Its hard selecting items when the postage could end up costing more than the item itself.

Posts: 74
加入:Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:50 pm

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyMatchpoint»Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:12 pm

Tiertime-Jason wrote:We have problem sending emails to some prize winners, the mails bounced.
We are still trying.......;)
任何update on the software update Jason:-D

Posts: 286
加入:Mon May 05, 2014 4:31 am

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyTiertime-Jason»Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:01 am

The postage is very expensive because by default it is delivered by DHL.
We could ship by psot office which is cheaper but take longer and less reliable. For the coupon winners, if you does not want DHL shippment, send us email to get a quote for post office shipment.

Please note that, if you are planning to buy a machine, we still recommend you buy from local resellers (unless you are in USA), as you can get better services.

Posts: 286
加入:Mon May 05, 2014 4:31 am

Re: Take survey and win $100 up3d.com cash coupon

PostbyTiertime-Jason»Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:31 am

Matchpoint wrote:
Tiertime-Jason wrote:We have problem sending emails to some prize winners, the mails bounced.
We are still trying.......;)
任何update on the software update Jason:-D

The UP Studio probably wont change too much for the next release as the priority is to fix bugs rather than add features, but they are working on features that requested by the community.
I think you may be interest to try out the iphone app which will released with software as well as the Mac version.
I dont konw the exact date of release, but should be within March.

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