Up Studio no longer sees Mk II usb connected

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Posts: 5
加入:Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:36 pm
Up Studio no longer sees Mk II usb connected

PostbyZombiEd»Tue Apr 09, 2019 1:15 am

For some reason, Up Studio no longer sees my Cetus Mk II connected by USB. Fortunately I can access it through wireless but sometimes even looses that saying printer not connected. I have to go back and add every time I want to print something.

Anyone else seen this problem? I suspect there may be a Windows 10 updated causing it but can't confirm.

Posts: 35
加入:Mon Feb 18, 2019 6:14 am

Re: Up Studio no longer sees Mk II usb connected

PostbyTiertime_Ocean»Tue Apr 09, 2019 7:10 am

Dear Customer,

Which UP Studio version you use?
Please check the computer device manager to see if there is a missing software driver.

Posts: 172
加入:Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:00 pm

Re: Up Studio no longer sees Mk II usb connected

Postbybjorn»Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:07 am

Have a look in the Windows Device manager to see if the printer has issues with the drivers?

Posts: 5
加入:Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:36 pm

Re: Up Studio no longer sees Mk II usb connected

PostbyZombiEd»Wed Apr 10, 2019 7:49 pm

I'm running UP v2.6.20.627

In the Device Manager there is a driver problem. Even though it sees it as Cetus S7(NL) it's an Unknown device and and a popup says: No driver files are required or have loaded for this device.

The only device drivers I found are on the Tiertime site but don't appear to be the correct ones since Windows doesn't see it to load it when doing an update driver.

Posts: 172
加入:Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:00 pm

Re: Up Studio no longer sees Mk II usb connected

Postbybjorn»Fri Apr 12, 2019 5:32 am

If you open the unknown device, and look at the properties, the details tab will have a pull down where you can select hardware id.

List the VID and PID for the unknown device? Or proceed to open the .inf file in the provided drivers and see if you can find a matching section. Alternatively change the .inf file to match your device and try again (this may not work if the drivers are signed, but verifying the VID an PID is still usefull)

Posts: 5
加入:Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:36 pm

Re: Up Studio no longer sees Mk II usb connected

PostbyZombiEd»Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:05 pm

I'm seeing the following for the VID: USB\VID_4745&PID_277F&REV_0100
Under events: 3/24/2019 4:58:48 PM Device configured (oem51.inf)
Driver Management concluded the process to install driver winusbfm.inf_amd64_74964b4fa4eea4d5 for Device Instance ID USB\VID_4745&PID_277F\70172542 with the following status: 0x0.

Then on April 10: Device USB\VID_4745&PID_277F\70172542 was not migrated due to partial or ambiguous match.

Last Device Instance Id: USB\VID_05DC&PID_A81D\AAR46D9KU6UVF1FA
Class Guid: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
Location Path: PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1400)#USBROOT(0)#USB(3)
Migration Rank: 0xF000FFFFFFFF0023
Present: false
Status: 0xC0000719

Posts: 5
加入:Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:36 pm

Re: Up Studio no longer sees Mk II usb connected

PostbyZombiEd»Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:20 am

In trying to install the driver I get: Windows found drivers for your device but encounter and error wile attempting to install them
3D Printer@FreeMotion
A Problem was encountered wile attempting to add the driver to the store

I was able to get a VID, how do I verify it is correct.

Posts: 172
加入:Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:00 pm

Re: Up Studio no longer sees Mk II usb connected

Postbybjorn»Mon Apr 15, 2019 4:49 am

Its listed inside the driver .inf file, but what you listed does match a entry there. Thats kind of good news, most likely printer is working, and identifies itself correctly to the computer.

But you're obviously still having issues with Windows. The usual remedies include disconnect the device, removing all driver files, rebooting and trying again.

look for

Sorry I can't be of more help with windows 10, hopefully Tiertime will be able to provide further assistance.

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