As it seems by mail is impossible to have this informations I try trough the forum.
I recently bought a Cetus Mk3 ( found a good deal on Amazon).
The Y carriage was faulty, had since the beginning a lot of play, so I disassembled and I discovered balls were missing.
As the amazon deal price was really good I decided to repair myself, but really I can’t find exaustive informations on the carriage brand. The questions to Cetus assistance were:
-What is balls size of the carriage, and number of balls needed (so I can buy the right size balls to fix my carriage)
-Which is the brand and model number of the carriage (so I can eventually supply myself if balls were not the only problem of that carriage or if the option will be “cheaper” than spending 3 hours patiently installing the new balls).
Seems these question can’t be answered by cetus assistance so I guess somebody in the community has figured out and can give me a proprer answer.