ThePalette+is a filament splicer for making multicolor prints (up to four colors) with a single extruder. I bought one recently for use with a different printer, and decided to see if I could get it to work with my Cetus.
After a little back-and-forth, the makers of the Palette+ are adding support for TierTime printers with the next software release, due out next week.

The picture shows a two-color test print on my MK1 Cetus. Using the Palette+ with the Cetus is definitely for the experienced user. You will need to slice your model using a third-party slicer (I used Slic3r, but Cura and Simplify3D are also supported). The Palette’s Chroma software then processes the gcode file and replaces the tool change commands with filament splice and purge commands. You then need to run the processed gcode on the Cetus and load the splice commands into the Palette. They use some clever tricks to keep the splices in sync with the printer.
All in all, it’s a somewhat Rube Goldbergish way to get multicolor prints, but it works a lot better than it has a right to.