Running a bowden filament-delivery setup on the Cetus is a huge accuracy upgrade(corners are sharper), BUT it’s NOT a plug-and-play upgrade and requires fine-tuning the filament flow, increasing the speed-of-retraction and the distance-of-retraction events.
高级PTFE管道也是一种要求,并且管道的ID应在整个长度上始终小于2mm,我使用3mmod x 1.90mmid。
The filament must remain fairly cool until it hits the heat-zone within the nozzle, I’m using an aluminum nozzle stabilizer just above where the nozzle enters the hot-end… in addition to making the nozzle assembly rock-solid the length of the heat-zone is shortened and lowered closer to the hot-end block so the filament remains a solid for a greater distance. When a print-job finishes the fan must continue cooling the upper nozzle until the temperature is below 43deg Celsius…if not, heat-creep will relocate the heat-zone closer to the top of the nozzle creating a crust above the optimum heat-zone area created when the nozzle is at operating temperature with cooling…the crust will block the filament flow.
虽然它是up Studio 2.xx的可行打印,但甚至使用软件之前所需的硬件升级的金额和成本将超过打印性能的改进。为了实现Bowden设置的好处,需要更先进的切片机以及使用3D打印机的高于中间体验......以及所有上述考虑因素所实现的。