I was only talking about the z-offset value. My x-offset value is set at 180mm and y-axis is flipped like yours because of how the Cetus prints in the second quadrant (to the left of the y-axis; all x coordinates are negative). If you output gcode from your profile and then set z-offset to 0 and output to a second file, the overall gcode is the same except for a bunch of null layers down to 0. The x,y coordinates that would cause the printhead to move off the bed. This is my first cartesian printer but I'm guessing most don't work in the second quadrant but in the first (where X and Y coordinates are both positive).
I must have missed the part about not offering direct gcode communication. Oh, well. I love the cantilevered design of the printer which is, admittedly, why I went with it. That and it's quite a print volume to printer size which is nice. Guess it looks like a computer transplant will be in order at some point; I won't use it regularly if there is no Octoprint. It's just too handy to have an admin website running on the printer with a camera to view progress from anywhere on my network. An additional advantage is that the noisy machine can be moved from my desk to the basement.
I don't know what is going on under the Cetus software (obviously) but I would assume (I know!) that the software is pretty much doing nothing if all I do is initialize the printer. Maybe instead of "motion system control" they could indicate an actual error. I looked around and didn't see a log file but I could very well have missed it.
For reference, here is what my origin looks like with my Simplify3D profile. So it's in the same place as yours except on the print bed. I think (?...like I mentioned, my first cartesian printer), that most printers print to the right of the y-axis. I included the bottom picture just to show how the screws from my custom printer stl model are only visible underneath (note how Simplify3D seems to put the printer stl under their print bed). And because stls faces have directionality, the arrow disappears from underneath. If I flip the faces of the screws, they cannot be seen at all. So I suppose at least it's something. Then again, everything will have a raft so I guess I was just playing around, anyway.