@斯凯佐, I have considered the many ways of making the mods available to folks. Even though the machining processes required to make these mods might look inexpensive to produce, there are a couple of features requiring less than .001" (.03mm) tolerance. When a tolerance dips below .001" the machining cost increases. The angle of the longer bar must have a very low tolerance otherwise it will not comfortably fit in the very-narrow safe-zone where it is close to the print-bed and the z-axis stepper motor. And then there is also the face of the aluminum bars that meet the extrusions, they are milled flat, also requiring a low tolerance over the lengths. The other thing going on is… these extrusions, by design from all the manufacturers, are not flat over the widths of the extrusions. When I hold a Certified-Flat Laboratory-Grade bar across the widths of the extrusions, they are not flat-and-square, some areas might be but not all areas. I was as surprised as you might be. This is no fault of Tiertime, the extrusion quality used by all the printer manufacturers are low to keep the costs lower. So I will likely have to include brass shims.
短答案是,从您当地的机器店,制作一套的成本很容易是100美元+。If you don’t care about dimensionally accurate prints, and only want to get rid of the z-axis wobble on tall prints, then I guess you could relax the tolerances and get the cost below $100, but it won’t be by much. Their setup fee will be $40+ …probably closer to the standard $65.
These stabilizer mods are awesome, not because I’m biased, they really do the job… all the way…very little room for improvement if at all. There is no other way to有效应用completely螺栓上(外骨骼型)溶液,其与最小金属材料和零干扰为主inexpensively就像这个mod包提供的那样。我知道,这肯定是个艰巨的任务。
如果人们只做一件事......只有一个mod ...稳定喷嘴......你的打印精度将增加一个very大量...保证。该MOD与稳定Z轴相结合将使您微笑。