Hi all.
I’m not criticizing TT here or trying to stir up trouble, I’m simply trying to provide information to aid making things better in the future.
TT products are aimed at hobby users, educational institutions and businesses. I’m a business user and have to comply with GDPR and ISO 27001. As such there are no machines linked to any of our networks that are “exempt from IT policy”. Doing so would get me fired!
Sure, I’m applying for an IT dept. whitelist, but I’m curious as to whether there is anything TT can do to prevent it getting blocked in the first place? F-Secure is an industry leading application so if it’s complaining there has to be something it’s triggering on. I install new applications fairly frequently and it’s very rare for F-Secure to block the install. It would also be nicer for the customers if TT fixed it once vs every individual user of F-Secure being unable to use the software unless they can get an exemption.
Anyway, enough of that, here’s looking forward to trying the new slicer
Owen S.