它是在你的项目产生一些升级套件(或一些教程)到鲸鱼座MK2升级到MK3,或者至少实现大部分的MK3的特征MK2?这将是很好的一些套件,使MK3(或MK 2.5),作为他的打印机制造prusa。





只是为了澄清他人。新的鲸鱼座的3D MK3不附带任何的他们吹嘘的新功能。它是多余的,并与MK3提供的部件不兼容,所以你有一个半打印机更换和浪费其作为备件不兼容的所有选项。有噩梦文档等购买MK3不支持响应以及获得其工作的所有特征来了一些安装的视频已经在地方与其他地方做所需要的零件。有差距得到的文档和部分备用一个全功能的MK3。该网站是不匹配的不好,不同的信息,链接失败,链接跳到你的网站之间。为了装配各种各样的地方everythingyou需求信息没有一个统一的位置。MK3标准电源采用了非标准的电缆连接到它的块和更新的PSU没有电缆在所有的其标准插座块,所以你不能从旧的使用数据线。周围,​​当他们提及他们以书面形式的扁平电缆的指令是强调对金属针上下一起展示你做相反的照片加上影片不同。我还没有对电源防雷器,而不是某些产品的安全和不会炒,因为我确实是他们的指导。 The levelling probe requires you to assemble the printer and print a part first of a modified shroud. It should have come part of the kit plus they dont provide a link to the file so wtf? I think they sacked the staff that providedservice and had skills and knowledge as this time around they provide a horrendous experience. I dont care if theprinter is as good or better than my previous mk2 because i think it’ll fry itself due to their careless documentation. Before I purchased I asked when they will be selling a complete mk3 printer (as we assumed this is) with all the upgrade parts perhaps completely assembled and was told they had no plans.

