Hello每个人,感谢您花时间阅读这篇文章。 p>
我正在使用我的全新Cetus 3d Mkii问题,我无法通过WiFi连接。It works fine by usb but the print is not showing up in the app even though it’s connected correctly to my home wifi.
The printer is connected to my 2.4 GHz wifi, same as my computer, and has an IP address, I can see it in my router interface (a linksys WRT1900ACS) and I can ping it in the command window. All of that make me think that it’s more a software problem than a hardware one. I’m running on the latest windows 10 and I have the latest version on the UP Studio app. I have also tested it on another computer which runs on macOS, but the problem is the same.
I have found some post with similar issues but those are pretty old and didn’t provide a solution for my problem.
Any lead on how to resolve that is welcome :)