The UP BOX Plus 3D printer is an extended version of the UP BOX. Since the launch of the UP BOX, we have listened carefully to our customers’ feedback and made changes to meet their needs. The BOX Plus features Tiertime’s latest innovations based on our expertise and understanding of the ever-evolving 3D printing industry. Together with the newly launched UP Studio Software, the BOX Plus offers new functionality unique to the 3D printing market.
Major upgrades include:
1. Connectivity Enhancement
The UP BOX Plus comes with Wi-Fi support. Users can run an iOS-based Mac, iPhone, iPad or Windows PC to control and print their favorite models. A USB connection is no longer necessary.
2. Improved Filament Support
Options for 3rd party filament use have increased. With UP Studio Software, users can now define profiles for specific filament types by setting both nozzle and build plate temperatures. Fine tuning for most filament is possible. The BOX Plus has also been updated to accommodate larger filament spools up to 1kg.
3. Empty Spool Detection
Large print jobs are prone to running out of filament before the job is complete, especially when left unattended or left to run overnight. With the BOX Plus, the print job will automatically pause if filament runs out. Once filament is reloaded, the print job can be resumed.

4. Blackout Recovery
Sudden power loss due to cord issues or power outages can ruin a print, leading to hours of lost time and wasted filament. With the BOX Plus, this is no longer an issue. Once the power is back on, the printer will ask if you want to resume the stopped print job. If yes, it will finish it seamlessly.
Other great features the BOX Plus inherits from the UP BOX include:
Large Build Volume: 255 x 205 x 205 mm (10 x 8 x 8 inches)
HEPA Filtration with Activated Carbon: Reduces fumes generated during the printing process.
Auto Leveling: Users are free from the hassle of platform leveling and nozzle height detection.
UP BOX owners need not feel excluded. We have prepared an upgrade kit so you can enjoy most of the great new BOX Plus features.
Let us know how you feel about the BOX Plus by sending email to or, or send us a message on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.