Tiertime由艾伦郭成立于2003年,有几位同学Tsinghua University. They had been researching for years in the field of rapid prototyping and had experimented different 3D printing technologies such as SLA, LOM, FDM and etc. The team later decided to concentrate on FDM technology, as compared to other techs paths, it was elegantly simple, clean and did not require expensive imported components (e. g. lasers) from overseas.

2005年左右,英国浴室大学的阿德里安鲍耶开始重婚项目。该项目旨在生产自我复制的机器,并且基本上是由打印机本身印刷的塑料部件组成的FDM打印机。灵感来自该项目,随着CAMP CNC电子产品的开发,Tiertime还开始探索一个紧凑型产品,可以以较低的价格出售以供个人使用。
At 2009, Stratasys’ primary patent for FDM technology expired. The Reprap project, after several years of development, had become an open source library for all the people who were interested in the technology. Soon people started to develop, improve and make their own versions of Reprap machines and shared their designs on the internet. Then based on the public resources, some entrepreneurial technologists started their companies to sell parts, kits and even constructed machines for people who could not build their own Repraps or found necessary parts. At that year, many prominent players of Desktop 3D printing started their business.
第一Tiertime桌面的释放模式,the UP Plus, was an instant success. Tiertime team sold and marketed their first desktop model on a new website, pp3dp.com with an online forum and store, targeting the international market. Compared to machines of the same time, such as Prusa Mendel, Makerbot Cupcake, and Ultimaker Original, the UP Plus was much more advanced. While most machines on the market were made from plywood, used DC motor for extrusion and 3mm diameter filament. UP Plus used stepper motors extruder and 1.75mm filament for much finer control with a full metal body.
那时,没有用于基于重载的打印机的专用软件,其中大多数仍在使用SkeInforge - 一个开源的所有目的软件,对普通人来说不是非常友好的用户友好。Tiertime释放起来!伴随着加上的软件,提供了一个简单的软件界面,可以与打印机交互和进程3D文件。由于软件包含优化的打印型材,而无需修改,因此用户可以在框中开出具有高质量印刷品的3D模型。向上!当时的软件已经有了高级功能,如9点矩阵级和自动支持生成,这是今天TiVertime产品的独特功能。万博manbetx是正规公司吗
在2013年,第二代加2发布。它是第一个使用自动平台校准系统的课程中的第一个3D打印机,提供可靠和高质量的3D打印结果。机器的独特设计,使其成为经典型号,并赢得了2013 - 2015年制造杂志的许多奖励。Up Plus 2,甚至出现在现场作为铁人3磅的道具。许多制造商已经研究过,并在其产品开发中获得了2个功能。

- 2013年制造杂志的封面
The story keeps going.