This artical is aiming to provide some detailed guidance on installing the Extension board and solving some frequently occured issues after installed the extension board.
We will focused on the cable connection during the installing and the limit switch fault after installed the extension board.
Step 1.确保打印机关闭,用电机安装可能会导致短路并销毁电子设备。Please first refer to the guidance video to finish the first 3 steps in the video , Remove the original PCB and cables and install the extension board .
Step 2.将小FFC电缆一端插入主板上的连接器,将另一端插入连接器上的连接器上,请注意,插入电缆,确保电线暴露侧面向下。
第3步。Plug the Y and Z axis limit switch cable connectors to the corresponding color connectors on the extension board .
第四步。The most important step, This step was missed in the video ,
Insert the limit switch cabLE连接器源自主板(带Y和Z限制SWITHC电缆的白色连接器)。
The cable is shown below, it should be included and installed in the original machine, but the cable could be faulty when using with Extension PCB.
Before insert the cable , Please check if the cable is faulty, for some cables the connector was wired reversely in factory, which is defective when use with Extension PCB. The defective cable can work with the original small PCB board, but not with the extension board, it will caused the limit switch unable to be triggered on Y and Z axis.That means when initializing the printer, the z axis will not stop and will keep moving even when reached the end cap and causing the initialization to fail.
The reason for the issue, is before releasing the extension board, The small PCB will work on any polarity of limit switch. So it does not matter, if the connector is wired correctly or not, but when connected to the extension board polarity does matters.
That 's why you may found the limit switch can work with the original PCB but not with extension board. For some early buyer may have this issue, and please contact our support team to get a new and correctly wired cable (or you may simple reverse the wire by yourself). We added this cable in later extension board package, so when install the extension board, Use the new cable .
After confirming the cable is good, connect the two 2-pin connectors to corresponding connectors on the mainboard and the 4-pin white connector to the extension board's white socket.
Step 5, The final cable connection is shown as below, Do not change the stepper motor cable and keep them stay in original postion and inserted on mainboard, Dont need connected them with extension board.
Step 6, Then refer to the video to finish the installing the cover and the assembling of other parts. If you need use the heated bed, please make sure the heated bed FFC cable need be inserted to the extension board with the exposed wire side facing upward.
Thank you Joshua for this great tutorial!
Because we have dispatched some extension board without the cable inside to EU and US warehouse before we realized this issue ,So some early buyer may dont see the cable in package, But we added it later, The future buyer will see the cable, If you dont have it, Please contact us to get one.
@Joshua, no I didn't get one. I also didn't get the yellow power adaptor but I assumed it wasn't included if you order the 220W power supply. But why is my extension board working with the stock cable?
Not all but most of the original cables are can work with extension board, But some of them can not , and then they need replaced the new cable .
Yeah, You are lucky if the original cable works!
I've 3 questions remaining:
1.我想知道关于新山的平台e to the linear rail bearing block. In my case it's not possible to firmly and evenly mount it. Either there is a gap or it's off angle. Because of the dent where the sheet was folded (see photos with semi-fastened screw). Is it required? Is mine faulty?
3.带有两个可拧紧连接器(红色/蓝色)的电缆是用于替代电源的,如果没有使用TiVertime 220 W电源,对右?
@superhans , don't use that bracket semi-mounted on the linear rail guide-block, I can't imagine needing a dent as in the photo. Hopefully it has not altered the threads in the guide-block.
Looks like those printed parts attach to the top of the angled bracket (with dent) , so they probably are sandwiched between the build-plate and the angle bracket.
I'll have a quick look at the installation guide now.
Here is a photo of the bottom of the new heated build plate:
Edit: Regarding the sandwiching theory, I tried a couple positions, but it doesn't really make sense to me. For better perspective I included the photo. First I thought it would be a spacer, but it's too thick.
I could not find any documentation that would help-me help-you, I recommend waiting to hear from support on the issues you've raised, especially that dent!
That bracket is definitely defective, I'm concerned with the threads "in" the guide-block not the screw/bolt
And thanks very much for looking into it, much appreciated! I will wait for a response, that will document the heated build plate upgrade for all buyers.
Thanks again and good night!
Is there no insulation between the bracket and the heated build-plate? Seems like there would be too much heat-transfer from the heated build-plate into the guide-block. Going to look at the guide-block documents from the manufacturer for the safe operating temperature info...
这是一个伟大的智慧的片段! !
Alrighty, until next time...good journeys to you!
Will do, good night to you later!
@Superhans,左侧的塑料孔孔进入后轴引导件并由其中一个螺钉固定。具有角度的其他塑料是用于固定带状电缆的带状电缆支架,宽凹槽是带状电缆导向器。两者都在这里找到的旧视频覆盖 -
Thanks Arnold, for some reason I must have overlooked the video entirely, although I searched through the FAQ/help sections and did a video search, that should have brought it up. Weird...
Jason Wu还刚刚发布了一份额外指南:
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