We just released the UP Studio 2.5 withMaterial Profile Managerto support better tuning for 3rdparty filament. In this week’s Tertime’s VLog, we would like to show how MPM works. We will useUP BOX+to print a model provided byTAP Models. TAP Models is a company based Australia providing 3D architectural models for their clients. They used their proprietary service to decompose a building into pieces, then 3d print each of them and assembled them together to have a vivid representation of the actual building in 3D.
Figure 1. Tap Models

In this video, we use the Polymaker’sPolyMax PLAto print the model. Ploymaker is a 3D printing material vendor providing variety of filaments for FFF technology.
We first use the MPM to define the new profile.
Figure 2. Material Profile Manager

Post processing needs some work:
Removing the support; use the super glue to assemble.
Figure 3. Using super glue to assemble

The building model turns out all right, and Tiertime UP BOX+ worked well with Polymaker PLA with the MPM new feature.
Figure 4. Assembled Unit