We are thrilled to announce that UP Studio App 2.0 for iPhone is available to download at the Apple App Store. This update is aimed to provide a more intuitive and convenient user experience for 3D Printing.
A red and white color theme marks this new era for the UP Studio App, differentiating it from the client software on desktop computers.
There are three key upgrades:
1. User interface redesigned from scratch for a better user experience.
We first tackled the issue of primary concern among our community, the difficulties connecting to the printer and checking the current status of the printer. We introduced the one-click connect feature that allows users to connect to a listed printer with one simple click. We also added a status button to the bottom status bar. Users can click it at any time to check printer and connection status.
2. User-generated 3D models from 2D for various applications
When it comes to actual control, we are keen on maximizing the user’s enjoyment of the App. We introduced more choices for users to generate 3D models from 2D designs. For instance, offering various pre-designed 3D models, such as a lamp and a picture stand, in which the user can embed a 2D design or image.
3. Cloud Support
In App 2.0, we are offering 500 MB cloud storage for all Tiertime UP users to create a truly cloud-based 3D printing environment. You can store your models in the cloud, and download it from anywhere. After you log into your personal account, the private models will be shown on top of the public models for your convenience.
UP Studio App 2.0 for iPhone is a significant milestone in Tiertime’s history. We encourage you to download the App, and would love to hear your feedback!

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